Rx Solutions

RxConnection offers a total package for managing your company’s prescription benefit.

RFP Procurement

RxConnection understands the complexities surrounding a RFP Procurement. Through our process, we help bring clarity and eliminate inefficiencies that are embedded within pharmacy arrangements.  Each RFP is customized to ensure that bidders are aligned to your organization’s individual circumstance.

Our RFP Procurement process accomplishes:

Optimal pricing and performance guarantees

The ability to audit 100% of claims data after 12 months with dollar-for-dollar performance guarantees

Include instructions and provisions to ensure contract clarity and a level playing field

Create a structure that will ensure that all incentives are aligned correctly

Our RFP Procurement Process

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    Pre-RFP Screening Analysis

    Our RFP Procurement will start with a claims evaluation. This analysis will help us construct a customized RFP based on our findings and the client’s long term objectives.

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    RFP Preparation

    We will collect a full year of detailed claims data. We will collect plan design, current clinical programs, contract and other items needed to structure the RFP.

    All RFP results are specific to your particular claim mix.

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    Financial Projections

    Our RFP process will ensure that all bidders are being evaluated on an apples-to-apples basis using RxConnection's proprietary repricing model.

    All projections will be based on detail claims data.

    A detailed presentation will be provided showing projected savings, formulary disruption, pharmacy disruption and much more.

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    Contract Evaluation

    We will negotiate the contract during the RFP process and lock the bidders into an agreement prior to the end of the RFP process.

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    We will ensure that everything that was agreed to between the bidder and the client through the RFP procurement process is implemented.

    We will perform checks to ensure that plan design, eligibility files and other benefit features are set up correctly prior to the plan going live.

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    On-Going Risk Management

    While most firms are project driven, we stay involved throughout the life of your contract term and continually look for opportunities to decrease your plan spend.

    We will provide quarterly claims evaluations to highlight savings opportunities and trends and to expose cost drivers.

Learn how our team can help you with your pharmacy benefit solutions.